dimanche 19 juin 2011

Make Your First Website - Important Design Rules

The success of your business depends a lot on your website. Every company has its website to market its product and services. It helps them to build a global presence. You should pay attention to every minute detail while designing your website. Let us discuss golden rules that will help you attain your goal.

Do not use a Splash Welcome Page

Splash welcome page is the first page visitors see when they visit your website. It generally has a stunning picture and text like "Welcome" or "Click here to continue" it is simply a beautiful page with no purpose. It is quite possible that the visitor will return from your website, so avoid this. Go for squeeze page if you want to capture visitors name and email address.
Use Advertisement Space Intelligently

Advertisement space is a valuable asset so use it very intelligently. Don't put lot of banners on the website. Create links for your product and contents. Your visitors should feel that they want to buy your product rather than being pushed to buy.

Have a simple and clear navigation

Go for menu driven navigation. It is very simple even a young child can use it. Avoid using complicated flash menus or multiple drop-down menus. Navigation should be easy and fun. This will encourage visitors to explore more of your website. On the other hand if they find navigation difficult they will definitely leave your website.

Avoid using audio on the site

Imagine visitor is very carefully trying to read content on the web page and some audio is playing continuously. Would he be able to concentrate on what he is reading? Will it leave a positive impression on him? Well the answer is no. Avoid using audios on your site and if you think it is really important then provide controls like volume muting, stop or pause so the user can control it as per his wish.

Videos – Latest Trend

Videos have emerged as the latest trend. More and more websites nowadays are putting videos. Videos are the most effective medium to market your products and services. The rule which applies on audios applies on videos too. Provide control to the visitors so they can control it. Certainly you don't want them to get annoyed at something which they can't control.
Learn the basic of Web Design

Learn the basic of web design. This will help you to take care of your site and serve the needs of customers. Web design skills will help you to update and make changes to the website without help from anyone.

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